************ SPECIAL ORDERS ONLY *********

Use this form to pay for your special orders.

Before proceeding make sure you have discussed this order with Laurie Urbas and agree to:

  • the size, style, and materials to be used in the bag you are ordering
  • the price of the finished product, and
  • the approximate time when the product should be finished

To complete your order select from the dollar choices below. You make combine one or more as needed. For example:

  • For a $60 order  choose the $60 item
  • for an $85 order choose both $80 and $5. Or you could choose 2 $40s and one $5.
  • For a $125 order choose $100, $20, and $5.

And so forth.

Do NOT use this form unless told to do so by Laurie. You WILL be charged for whatever amount(s) you select!

** Free Shipping is included with special orders**

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